Buy Online Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir

Buy Online Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir

Sofosbuvir is an antiviral medicine used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection. It is also used in patients with liver cancer and hepatitis C infection who are planning to have a liver transplantation. This medicine minimizes the chance of recurrence of the infection after the transplantation. Sofosbuvir is not recommended for use in patients with a known history of hepatitis B infection.
If you miss a dose but remember within two hours take the dose and then take subsequent doses as usual

(do not delay your next dose). If you miss a dose and do not remember within two hours, miss that dose
and take the next dose when it is due. Do not double-up subsequent doses.
Medications should be stored in a cool area (below 25C) but not in a fridge. Please keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.

If you accidently take too much of your medicines contact the hepatology team
Do not stop taking your medicines unless advised by the hepatology team.
Interactions with other medications
• You must tell us if you are on any medicines including prescription or non-prescription medicines,
recreational drugs, vitamins and herbal supplements so we can check that these do not interact with

your hepatitis C treatment.

• You must not allow anyone to stop the treatment unless they have discussed it with the hepatology team
here at Southampton.

Side effects

Sofosbuvir like all other medicines may have some side effects. Most of these are minor and will usually
settle within a few days or weeks. The most commonly reported effects are feeling sick, diarrhoea,
tiredness, trouble sleeping, headache, dizziness, fevers, chills, changes in blood test results, itching,
weakness, loss of appetite, rash, shortness of breath, muscle aches, cough and blurred vision.
Daclatsvir may also have some side effects. Most of these are minor and will usually settle within a few
days or weeks. The most common reported effects are tiredness and headache.

Ribavirin may have some side effects too. Most of these are minor and will usually settle within a few
days or weeks. The most commonly reported effects are anaemia (lowering of the red blood cells that carry
oxygen), localised or generalised dry skin, itching and rashes, increased dry cough and muscular aches,
diarrhoea, feeling sick and tummy pain, headache and dizziness.
For a full list of side effects please have a look at the patient information leaflet that comes with
the medicine.
